SIR: Factors Influencing Spread


Randomness is in an important factor in RKnot’s approach to simulation (and frankly in real-word viral transmission), so the results of the sims below will not be repeatable with each iteration. The below examples are meant to show general differences based on state; further analysis should run the same simulation multiple times to see the mean impact.

Base US Simulation

To explore the various concepts of RKnot and viral spread, we’ll use a simulation design based on CDC Best Planning Scenario guidelines for COVID-19 characteristics including:

  • \(R_0\) 2.5
  • IFR for each of 4 age groups
    • 0-19: 0.003%
    • 20-49: 0.02%
    • 50-69: 0.5%
    • 70+: 5.4%

Other assumptions:

  • Population of \(10,000^1\)
  • Initial Infected of 2
  • Duration of Infectiousness 14 days\(^2\)
  • Duration of Immunity 365 days
  • Density of ~1 subject per location (dlevel='med')

\(^1\)proportionately split among the 4 age groups to match US census data.

\(^2\)equal likelihood of transmission on any day (i.e. no viral load curve)

US Census Data


1. Equal

The first simulation makes the most homogeneous assumptions.

  • No group is restricted in terms of movement.
  • All dots are able to interact with one another.
  • All dots are susceptible at initiation.
  • All dots are equally likely to move to any dot on the grid (mover='equal')

The basic layout is below. These parameters can also be imported from rknot.sims.baseus for convenienve.

group1 = dict(
group2 = dict(
group3 = dict(
group4 = dict(
groups = [group1, group2, group3, group4]
params = {'dlevel': 'med', 'Ro':2.5, 'days': 365, 'imndur': 365, 'infdur': 14}

We instantiate a new sim by passing groups and params. We can also flag details to get some information about the Sim structure.

from rknot import Sim, Chart
sim = Sim(groups=groups, details=True, **params)
|                                  SIM DETAILS                                  |
|           Boundary|      [ 1 45  1 45]|          Locations|              2,025|
|         Population|             10,000|            Density|               4.94|
|       Contact Rate|               4.94|                   |                   |

Running the animation will result in a video as per below:

chart = Chart(sim, use_init_func=True)

Note embedded videos are used for convenience purposes. Given the random processes involved, running the same code will produce slightly different results each time.


Peak 37%
HIT 67%
Total 87%
Fatalities 0.55%
% > 70 42%
IFR 0.63%
Days to Peak 72

In this scenario, RKnot fairly closely replicates the curve of a standard SIR model, which expects HIT of 60% for \(R_0\) of 2.5 (HIT = 1 - 1 / \(R_0\)).

Variation from the standard SIR model will always result given:

  1. In the simulation, movement and transmission are stochastic processes.
  2. This sim does not have an entirely homogeneous population, with different IFRs and varying numbers of contacts between subjects.

2. Local

In remaining simulations, we begin to introduce ever increasing homogeneity.

Our first change is to adjust the subjects mover functions to local. The local mover has a strong bias towards locations only in its immediate vicinity, which is a better approximation of real world processes (though certainly not a perfect one).

We will also extend the simulation an extra year.

group1['mover'] = 'local'
group2['mover'] = 'local'
group3['mover'] = 'local'
group4['mover'] = 'local'
groups = [group1, group2, group3, group4]
params['days'] = int(365*2)

sim = Sim(groups=groups, **params)

chart = Chart(sim, use_init_func=True)


Peak 4%
HIT 56%
Total 69%
Fatalities 0.42%
% > 70 36%
IFR 0.60%
Days to Peak 355

Compared to Example 1, we can see that restricting movement has a major impact on spread. The curve is flattened and extended with total infected, peak, HIT, and fatalities all reduce.

But the virus is never completely eradicated and instead moves in a progressive wave across the grid space. Note that the infection and fatalitiy levels are somewhat artificially reduced as the virus still has a large susceptible population in the upper portion of the grid that it has not yet reached.

Local movement does not satisfy the “well-mixed” condition of the SIR model. Particularly interesting is that the initial conditions of this scenario *DO* very closely resemble a SIR model. So, an observer measuring \(R_0\) in a local environment might see spread consistent with a well-mixed population but the population may not be well-mixed at a larger scale.

3. Social

In this simulation, we set mover=social for just the 20-49 age group. This is a rough approximation of that group’s real-world propensity to travel more frequently (or go to more events).

group1['mover'] = 'local'
group2['mover'] = 'social'
group3['mover'] = 'local'
group4['mover'] = 'local'
groups = [group1, group2, group3, group4]

sim = Sim(groups=groups, **params)

chart = Chart(sim, use_init_func=True)


Peak 34%
HIT 62%
Total 85%
Fatalities 0.54%
% > 70 49%
IFR 0.63%
Days to Peak 71

Comparing again to Example 1, we can see how powerful mixing is within a population. Even with the majority of subjects moving only locally, a small group of subjects is moving more broadly across the space will significantly increase the amount of spread.

4. Pre-Existing Immunity

In this scenario, we adjust the susceptibility factor for just two groups by relatively small amounts as follows:

  • 20-49: 80%
  • 50-69: 65%

This means, in the inverse, that 10% and 25% of the subjects in the respective groups are already immune to the virus (whether through pre-existing T-cell immunity, anti-bodies, or otherwise).

The older group is assumed to have a lower susceptibility factor as it is more likely that older people will have had more exposure to similar viruses over their lifetime.

T-cell immunity to sars-cov-2 remains a controversial subject, but many studies have found prevalance of T-cells between 20% - 50% in people unexposed to sars-cov-2. It is suggested that exposure to “common cold” coronaviruses (or more dangerous ones) may convey this immunity.

group2['susf'] = .8
group3['susf'] = .65
groups = [group1, group2, group3, group4]

sim = Sim(groups=groups, **params)

chart = Chart(sim, use_init_func=True)


Peak 19%
HIT 44%
Total 63%
Fatalities 0.35%
% > 70 29%
IFR 0.56%
Days to Peak 93

Relative to Example 3 above, pre-existing immunity would reduce all aspects of the spread curve signifcantly.

Note the reduction in fatalities results even though the most susceptible group is assumed to NOT have pre-existing immunity.

5. Events

Certainly, the vast majority of people in the US do not move in such pre-defined ways as set out by the mover function. In reality, people tend to move with a local bias with a small number of interactions, supplemented by larger movements to locations with a large number of interactions in a small amount of time.

In RKnot, we can simulate this with Event objects. And we will incorporate a number of them in this simulation.

First, we will reset our group parameters by importing from sims.baseus.

Then we will instantiate a handful of events recurring periodically over the duration of the sim.

from rknot.sims.baseus import params, groups

from import Event

school1 = Event(
    name='school1', xy=[25,42], start_tick=2,
    groups=[0], capacity=10, recurring=2
school2 = Event(
    name='school2', xy=[78,82], start_tick=3,
    groups=[0], capacity=10, recurring=2
school3 = Event(
    name='school3', xy=[92,32], start_tick=4,
    groups=[0], capacity=7, recurring=2
game1 = Event(
    name='game1', xy=[50,84], start_tick=6,
    groups=[0,1,2,3], capacity=100, recurring=14
game2 = Event(
    name='game2', xy=[45,52], start_tick=5,
    groups=[0,1,2], capacity=76, recurring=14
game3 = Event(
    name='game3', xy=[12,87], start_tick=1,
    groups=[0,1,2], capacity=56, recurring=14
game4 = Event(
    name='game4', xy=[52,98], start_tick=3,
    groups=[1,2], capacity=113, recurring=28
concert1 = Event(
    name='concert1', xy=[20,20], start_tick=7,
    groups=[0,1], capacity=50, recurring=14
concert2 = Event(
    name='concert2', xy=[91,92], start_tick=28,
    groups=[1], capacity=50, recurring=14
concert3 = Event(
    name='concert3', xy=[62,38], start_tick=21,
    groups=[2,3], capacity=25, recurring=14
concert4 = Event(
    name='concert4', xy=[38,42], start_tick=14,
    groups=[1,2], capacity=50, recurring=14
bar1 = Event(
    name='bar1', xy=[17,24], start_tick=4,
    groups=[1], capacity=5, recurring=3
bar2 = Event(
    name='bar2', xy=[87,13], start_tick=5,
    groups=[1], capacity=5, recurring=4
bar3 = Event(
    name='bar3', xy=[52,89], start_tick=6,
    groups=[1,2], capacity=5, recurring=3
bar4 = Event(
    name='bar4', xy=[16,27], start_tick=7,
    groups=[1,2,3], capacity=4, recurring=7
bar5 = Event(
    name='bar5', xy=[89,46], start_tick=6,
    groups=[1,2], capacity=7, recurring=7
church = Event(
    name='church', xy=[2,91], start_tick=7,
    groups=[2,3], capacity=20, recurring=7

events = [
    school1, school2, school3, game1, game2, game3, game4,
    concert1, concert2, concert3, concert4,
    bar1, bar2, bar3, bar4, bar5, church

sim = Sim(groups=groups, events=events, **params)

chart = Chart(sim, use_init_func=True)


Peak 29%
HIT 56%
Total 82%
Fatalities 0.50%
% > 70 39%
IFR 0.61%
Days to Peak 77

We’ve attempted to tailor the event setup so that the infection curve resembles that of Example 1. The theory is that the \(R_0\) measured in the early stages of a pandemic should be reflective of actual contacts, not the theoretical contacts of the model.

This scenario is not perfectly substitutable with Example 1, however.

One measure we can use to compare scenarios is the total number of interactions. We find that under the Event and Gated approaches it takes more contacts to result in the same level of spread.

Avg Number of Contacts per Subject:

Example 1: 50.3

Example 2: 52.3

Example 3: 53.4

Example 5: 65.5

Example 6: 75.5

Average of first 100 days across 5 sims for each scenario.

Other issues with substitutability may exist and are being explored. SIR models determine R0 in the idealized environment of Example 1 and so may not be suitable for customized environments such as this one.

6. Gates

We can further improve the real world relevance of interactions by introducing gates. Subjects are not always freely able to interact with all other people in a population. Often their movement is restricted to within certain areas. Furthermore, other people’s access into those areas is restricted.

Elderly people living in retirement homes or assisted living centers is an example. To simulate this, we will split group4 into two separate groups.

  • group4a
    • population of 600 (2/3s of group4)
    • IFR of 4.2%
    • move freely throughout the entire grid as previously
  • group4b
    • population of 300 (1/3rd of group4)
    • IFR of 7.8%
    • movement restricted to 6x6 box

We have also adjusted the IFR on the basis that group4b is likely older and also probably more frail than group4a. IFRs approximate those found here.

In addition, we will add an event specifically for the new group inside the gate.

group4a = dict(
group4b = dict(
groups = [group1, group2, group3, group4a, group4b]

church2 = Event(
    name='church2', xy=[2,3], start_tick=7,
    groups=[4], capacity=5, recurring=7

events_gated = [
    school1, school2, school3, game1, game2, game3, game4,
    concert1, concert2, concert3, concert4,
    bar1, bar2, bar3, bar4, bar5,
    church, church2,

Now, such elderly populations are entirely sealed of from the rest of the world. In fact, they are often visited by family members or friends. We can mimick this with the use of a Travel object.

In this sim, at least one person will enter into the group4b gate for a day only. And this will repeat every day of the sim.

from import Travel

visit = Travel(
    name='visit', xy=[1,1], start_tick=3,
    groups=[1,2], capacity=1, duration=1, recurring=1

sim = Sim(groups=groups, events=events, **params)

chart = Chart(sim, use_init_func=True)


Peak 30%
HIT 62%
Total 83%
Fatalities 0.52%
% > 70 40%
IFR 0.62%
Days to Peak 66

Again, the gated structure is intended to mimic Example 1, Example 3, and Example 5.

The use for Events and Gates will become clear when we explore the impact of Policy Decisions.

7. Pre-Immunity with Events and Gates

Now we can see how pre-immunity might impact viral spread in a population with more heterogeneous interactions.

group2['susf'] = .8
group3['susf'] = .65
groups = [group1, group2, group3, group4a, group4b]

sim = Sim(groups=groups, events=events, **params)

chart = Chart(sim, use_init_func=True)


Peak 20%
HIT 42%
Total 62%
Fatalities 0.47%
% > 70 37%
IFR 0.76%
Days to Peak 86

Similar to Example 4, pre-existing immunity flattens the curve somewhat and results in a modest decrease in fatalities (even with an abnormally high IFR in this case).

8. Self Aware Social Distancing

In a self-aware population, we can also incorporate an assumption that certain members of the population will implement social distancing practices even in the absence of prescribed government policy. For example, individuals might wear masks or face shields while in public.

This is implemented via a SocialDistancing object, which reduces the transmission factor of the subjects in the applicable group.

from import SocialDistancing as SD

sd = SD(name='6-feet', tmfs=[.975,.95,.75,.5], groups=[1,2,3,4], start_tick=5, duration=90)

sim = Sim(groups=groups, events=events, **params)

chart = Chart(sim, use_init_func=True)


Peak 28%
HIT 55%
Total 82%
Fatalities 0.51%
% > 70 42%
IFR 0.62%
Days to Peak 81

Social distancing does flatten the infection curve, resulting in a modest decrease in peak infections and HIT and delaying the peak slightly. Fatalities are also reduced.

9. Self Aware Social Distancing + Pre-Immunity

In a self-aware population, we can also incorporate an assumption that certain members of the population will implement social distancing practices (even in the absence of prescribed government policy). For example, individuals might wear masks or face shields while in public.

This is implemented via a SocialDistancing object, which reduces the transmission factor of the subjects in the applicable group.

from import SocialDistancing as SD

sd = SD(name='6-feet', tmfs=[.975,.95,.75,.5], groups=[1,2,3,4], start_tick=5, duration=90)

sim = Sim(groups=groups, events=events, **params)

chart = Chart(sim, use_init_func=True)


Peak 14%
HIT 36%
Total 60%
Fatalities 0.33%
% > 70 27%
IFR 0.55%
Days to Peak 92

Here we see that just the combination of pre-immunity and a modest amount of social distancing reduces all aspects of the infection curve.

Note that, despite the continued visits from outside, an outbreak in the 70+G group did not occur until after the social distancing practices were ceased. This outbreak resulted in a small surge in cases (visible in a rebound in the curve at ~100 days) and a tripling in fatalities in a short period.

So social distancing practices were helpful, but only so long as they were maintained.

10. Isolation



With a more realistic model of subject interaction, we can begin to experiment with the impact of different policy measures.

RKnot can simulate policy measures via Restriction, SocialDistancing, and Quarantine objects. Further details here.

The simulations are based on this scenario and so the impact of the policy measures contemplated should be considered relative to that scenario.

The structure can be imported as follows:

from rknot.sims.baseus import params, events_gated, groups_gated

1. Restrict Large Gatherings

We’ll start by simply restricting large gathers, which for this sim is any event with 10+ capacity (0.1% of the entire population). The restrictions will last for 120 days.

When considering capacity, remember that a 100,000-seat stadium in a 10 million person catchment represents 1% of the population.

We assume this policy are implemented on day 30, when the population finally realizes there is a pandemic and government has had time to implement prevention measures.

The restriction will last for 120 days.

from import Restriction

large_gatherings = Restriction(
    name='large', start_tick=30, duration=120, criteria={'capacity': 10}
events_w_res = events_gated + [large_gatherings]

sim = Sim(groups=groups_gated, events=events_w_res, details=True, **params)

chart = Chart(sim, use_init_func=True)


Peak 15%
HIT 28%
Total 73%
Fatalities 0.45%
% > 70 38%
IFR 0.62%
Days to Peak 69

We see that the curve is flattened significantly during the restriction period. Infections have a much lower peak, BUT also a much longer tail (evident by the still high relatively high level of total infections).

This results as the event restriction is lifted, which leads to a slower rate of decline of the virus.

2. Social Distancing

We can mimick the implementation of Social Distancing policies in certain settings via the SocialDistancing object. Mask wearing, hand sanitizing, and 6-foot perimeters all provide varying levels of protection.

It is hard to estimate the degree of protection from each, and even harder in combination. For instance, this study found anywhere between a 1.1- and 55-fold reduction in exposure to influenza with varying mask designs.

So we provide tmfs here for illustration purposes only, attempting to catch all social distancing practices. We also provide different tmfs for the different age groups, meant to simulate adherence to policy.

The policy measure is implemented on day 30 and maintained for 120 days.

from import SocialDistancing as SD

sd = SD(
    name='all', tmfs=[.8,.8,.7,.65,.5],
    groups=[0,1,2,3,4], start_tick=30, duration=120
events_w_res = events_gated + [sd]

sim = Sim(groups=groups_gated, events=events_w_res, **params)

chart = Chart(sim, use_init_func=True)


Peak 8%
HIT 24%
Total 68%
Fatalities 0.39%
% > 70 33%
IFR 0.57%
Days to Peak 96

We can see that social distancing is certainly the most effective approach in terms of “flattening the curve” with the lowest HIT and peak infections seen thus far.

The social distancing methods are successful in preventing an outbreak among the 70+G group until ~120 days, well after peak infections are reach.

However, consistent with the restriction on large gatherings, the infection curve has protracted tail coinciding with the restriction being lifted. Over an extended time frame, the virus still infects a fairly large portion of the population.

3. Restrict Elderly Visits

We can restrict events by name by passing name key to criteria. We can do this to restrict the travel event to the 70+G area.

The policy measure is implemented on day 30 and maintained for another 120 days. There will be no other restrictions.

no_visits = Restriction(
    name='no_visits', start_tick=30,
    duration=120, criteria={'name': 'visit'}
events_w_res = events_gated + [no_visits]

sim = Sim(groups=groups_gated, events=events_w_res, **params)

chart = Chart(sim, use_init_func=True)


Peak 27%
HIT 54%
Total 80%
Fatalities 0.29%
% > 70 17%
IFR 0.36%
Days to Peak 77

By simply quarantining the elderly, we see the most dramatic reduction in fatalities of any scenario thus far. An outbreak NEVER occurs in the 70+G gated area, even AFTER the policy restrictions are lifted, because the virus has already been eradicated by that time.

We can see here that allowing a high level of infection among the least susceptible has resulted in a low level of fatalities among the most susceptible.

This is a controversial approach and does have difficult ethical implications, but its power to reduce death cannot be ignored.

4. Social Distancing and Restrict Elderly Visits and Large Gatherings

What happens if we combine the three approaches above?

large_gatherings = Restriction(
    name='large', start_tick=30, duration=120, criteria={'capacity': 10}
no_visits = Restriction(
    name='no_visits', start_tick=30,
    duration=120, criteria={'name': 'visit'}
sd = SD(
    name='all', tmfs=[.8,.8,.7,.65,.5],
    groups=[0,1,2,3,4], start_tick=30, duration=120
events_w_res = events_gated + [large_gatherings, no_visits, sd]

sim = Sim(groups=groups_gated, events=events_w_res, **params)

chart = Chart(sim, use_init_func=True)


Peak 24%
HIT 55%
Total 82%
Fatalities 0.42%
% > 70 36%
IFR 0.51%
Days to Peak 199

Incredibly, the combination of restrictions leads to worse outcomes than any of the individual restrictions on their own.

While in place, the restrictions do tightly contain infections and signficantly delay the onset of the pandemic. But once they are lifted, the virus spreads unabated through a still highly susceptible population.

i.e. Not enough subjects have achieved immunity by the time the restrictions are lifted.

5. Quarantine

We can even mimick the impact of quarantines via the Quarantine object.

Here we show the impact of a 30-day quarantine for all groups in the Sim. We include a restriction on visits to the elderly during the quarantine.

from import Quarantine

quarantine = Quarantine(
    name='all', start_tick=30,
    groups=[0,1,2,3,4], duration=30
no_visits = Restriction(
    name='no_visits', start_tick=30,
    duration=30, criteria={'name': 'visit'}

events_w_res = events_gated + [quarantine, no_visits]

sim = Sim(groups=groups_gated, events=events_w_res, **params)

chart = Chart(sim, use_init_func=True)


Peak 1%
HIT 1%
Total 1%
Fatalities 0.00%
% > 70 0%
IFR 0.00%
Days to Peak 32

The pandemic never materializes in this simulation. The quarantine eradicates the virus swiftly upon implementation.

This is an interesting result. This obvioulsy did not occur in many places in the real world that took this approach. There are several possible reasons worth considering:

  • Random Variation: if you run this simulation multiple times, you will note some sims where spread does occur.
  • Scale: a larger simulation would increase the possibility that a very small number of subjects can continue to pass around the virus while it is muted in the broader population
  • Adherence: real-world adherence to the implemented policies was much lower than this simulation suggests.
  • Inconsistency: some areas implemented strict quarantines while others did not, and there was mixing among those populations.

6. Quarantine with Adherence

We can investigate the impact of low adherence to quarantine requirements by setting the adherence property of the Quarantine object.

from import Quarantine

quarantine = Quarantine(
    name='all', start_tick=30,
    groups=[0,1,2,3,4], duration=30
no_visits = Restriction(
    name='no_visits', start_tick=30,
    duration=30, criteria={'name': 'visit'}

events_w_res = events_gated + [quarantine, no_visits]

sim = Sim(groups=groups_gated, events=events_w_res, **params)

chart = Chart(sim, use_init_func=True)
{'use_init_func': True,
 'show_intro': True,
 'dotsize': 0.1,
 'h_base': 10,
 'interval': 100.0}

With just 10% of the population ignoring the quarantine requirements, the virus spreads almost as though there was no quarantine at all.

The virus barely survives for the first 6-months of the outbreak, then as per other scenarios, once restrictions are lifted an outbreak occurs. Still, when the outbreak does occur, it is characterized by one of the lowest peaks and HITs in our analysis (due in part to the pre-immmunity of some of the groups).

And it achieves the lowest fatality rate of the group, mainly by restricting access to the elderly population for the duration of the pandemic and ensuring an outbreak never occurs in that region.